Our expertise and knowledge can help your utility save money and time.
IKEN’s focus in recent years has been accountability and sustainability in water resource management. We bring a long history of experience in water loss management at the municipal level. The international focus on water resource and the sustainability of this precious, life giving commodity makes our adventure exciting and rewarding.

A few things we’re great at
IKEN envisions the day that advanced technologies can be made available to users for the betterment of all. For our part, we wish to make a contribution by bringing the best practices in Underground Infrastructure Management to as many stakeholders in the industry, as possible.
A water audit enables municipalities to determine the water supplied, consumed, and lost in the distribution system. It also allows the municipality to calculate what that lost water is costing.
Pressure management is a specialized field on its own to benefit sustainable water loss control. This practice extends service life of infrastructure, reduces pumping/energy costs, and reduces interruptions to supply.
In a simplistic explanation the procedure is the determination of a minimum night flow at a source meter or reservoir. IKEN would typically measure reservoir depths to create volumetric calculations if a source meter is not available.
IKEN Services Ltd. can provide acoustic sounding, noise logging and correlation surveys using
state of the art technologies.
Contact us! To request a quote
GET STARTEDMeet the Team
Jamie Eichenberger – President & Founder
Jamie has been founder and president of IKEN Services since 1995. He has been involved in underground infrastructure maintenance management for approximately 40 years.
In recent years Jamie has aligned himself with key players in the International Water Association group and specifically the Water Loss Control Committee. Implementing the “Best Practices” as adopted by the AWWA has been first and foremost for IKEN Services.
Past president of the Municipal Services Association in support of Public Works Association of BC as well as being an EOCP Training Officer keeps Jamie in the forefront of issues surrounding the utility industry relating to communities.
Mike Ippen – Training Coordinator
Mike began his career as a utilities operator with the District of North Vancouver. He spent six years as Deputy Superintendent before moving to Saanich on Vancouver Island as Waterworks Manager, Human Resources Manager and Manager of Public Works. He retired from the City of Victoria in 2017, where he was the Utilities Manager. Mike has served on the boards of the BC Public Works Association, BC 1 Call and BC Water and Waste Association, serving a term as President of the BCWWA from 2015-2016, and as Executive Director of BC1 Call until May 2020.
Throughout his career, Mike has been an advocate for operator education. He has been an instructor, developed curriculum, and delivered training across BC, Yukon, and Ontario, across a variety of subjects, including public works leadership and administration, water quality in distribution systems, wastewater collection best practices, and water loss management.
With a Combined 70 YEARS of Expertise
Our vision is that one day advanced technologies will be available to users for the betterment of all. For our part, we wish to make a contribution by bringing the best practices in Underground Infrastructure Management to as many stake holders in the industry, as possible.