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WLM Services
Services available for various budgets and locations. Whether you want to hire IKEN Services to assess and detect leaks in your utility or get trained to do it yourself, learn more below.

Internationally recognized “Performance Indicators” to assess your water system.
A water audit enables municipalities to determine the water supplied, consumed, and lost in the distribution system. It also allows the municipality to calculate what that lost water is costing.

Every water system can benefit using advanced Pressure Management.
Pressure management is a specialized field on its own to benefit sustainable water loss control. This practice extends service life of infrastructure, reduces pumping/energy costs, and reduces interruptions to supply.

Check the pulse of your water system with Night Flow Analysis.
In a simplistic explanation the procedure is the determination of a minimum night flow at a source meter or reservoir. IKEN would typically measure reservoir depths to create volumetric calculations if a source meter is not available.

Find water leaks fast with new techniques.
IKEN Services Ltd. can provide acoustic sounding, noise logging and correlation surveys using
state of the art technologies.

A great Covid-friendly tool for your tool box!
Utilize your own personnel with our training and rented equipment.

Covid-friendly online training.
From utility operators to city planners and asset managers, industry best practices should be understood and utilized accross the board.
We Understand Your Needs
> Not every municipality has the budget to hire services, which is why we created the LeakShare Program. ALSO, inquire about Public Private Partnerships.
INQUIRE NOW> Best Practices in WLM should be understood and used not only by utility operators but also by city operators, city planners and asset managers. Our Online Trainings are perfect for these needs.