This emerging best practice should be a top priority for all Utilities.
Extend the life of infrastructure, gain systems knowledge and reduce operating costs. WLM is an important tool that can reduce demand and benefit customers through the use of existing personnel.
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Jamie Eichenberger
Founder and President
IKEN Services was founded in 1995 by Jamie Eichenberger.
Jamie has been involved in underground infrastructure maintenance management for approximately 40 years. The majority of the technical expertise acquired has been in pipeline leak detection and flow measurement. Part of the experience has been acquired in the oil and gas transmission and distribution field as well as municipal infrastructure including sanitary, storm and water pipelines.
In recent years Jamie has aligned himself with key players in the International Water Association group and specifically the Water Loss Control Committee. Implementing the “Best Practices” as adopted by the AWWA has been first and foremost for IKEN Services.
Jamie is the President and owner of IKEN Services Ltd. and lives in Victoria, B.C. Alberta & British Columbia has been the main area of focus for Jamie’s work in the past 30 years. Jamie has experience on international projects in United States, Caribbean and South America. He has formed a relationship with the majority of the municipalities in both provinces and particularly in the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island. Past president of the Municipal Services Association in support of Public Works Association of BC as well as being an EOCP Training Officer keeps Jamie in the forefront of issues surrounding the utility industry relating to communities.

Mike Ippen
Training Coordinator
Mike began his career as a utilities operator with the District of North Vancouver. He spent six years as Deputy Superintendent before moving to Saanich on Vancouver Island as Waterworks Manager, Human Resources Manager and Manager of Public Works. He retired from the City of Victoria in 2017, where he was the Utilities Manager.
Mike has served on the boards of the BC Public Works Association, BC 1 Call and BC Water and Waste Association, serving a term as President of the BCWWA from 2015-2016, and as Executive Director of BC1 Call until May 2020.
Throughout his career, Mike has been an advocate for operator education. He has been an instructor, developed curriculum, and delivered training across BC, Yukon, and Ontario, across a variety of subjects, including public works leadership and administration, water quality in distribution systems, wastewater collection best practices, and water loss management.
Mike lives in Victoria with his wife, Stephanie and when not teaching or facilitating public works and utilities education, writes novels and tends his garden.